Sleight Mistake (Stone Investigations Book 2) Page 9
‘Wow,’ she whispered, rushing to the window trying to absorb the vastness of the city they were in.
When the door closed it shattered her abandon and she was reminded that he was there with her. She turned and drank him in, standing there just in front of the door they’d used to enter.
‘You’ve had a busy week,’ she said.
‘I wanted to get the place up and running,’ he said. ‘It’s amazing how much time daylight abstinence frees up.’ His smile grew and she laughed. It was comforting to know that she wasn’t the only one who had missed their days together.
‘I’ve missed you,’ she said.
‘I’ve missed you too,’ he said. ‘I’m sorry it’s been so crazy this week.’
‘I love you,’ she said. ‘I know that we can’t be together every minute of the day and this… this is a step back towards normality and that’s something we both need.’
‘We’re almost there,’ he said, crossing the room to erase the distance between them. ‘I have to show you around and I have something of a surprise for you… I hope you like it.’
She went into his arms and was encouraged by the ridge against her abdomen. Wriggling as close as she could muster, the rumble of his chest vibrated her cheek and without removing her body from his, Ryder’s hand slid up her back and he took hold of the zip of her strapless dress. The buzz of her zip descending increased her heart rate. She knew what was coming next and her body thrummed in anticipation. When the zip reached the bottom, she stepped away allowing the dress to pool around her feet leaving her in nothing but a pale thong.
Ryder growled again and reached for her, but she stopped his hand. ‘Being without you so much this week, it’s put some things in perspective for me. We’re a team, a unit, and now that you have the business on its feet I want us to find a place where we can live together.’
‘You got it, Baby,’ he said, stepping in to her and stealing her mouth with his own.
There were things to say but none of it would be said until they expelled the need from their bodies. Desire devoured them, he stumbled forward, catching her weight with his strength. Then he had her up and lay her down again on the solid desk top.
‘I love you, Dusty,’ he said, breaking their kiss to stroke her hair from her face.
‘Ready to break your daylight abstinence vow?’
‘It was never a vow,’ he said. ‘Just a lack of opportunity… and now that I have that opportunity…’
His lips curled up and he pressed them to hers. This was what she had missed, and stealing these precious times together were more important now that there would be fewer of them. Lacie planned to remember every detail, so she’d never be without him again.
After their desire was sated, they were lying on the floor of his office together wrapped in each other and basking in the glow of the sun pouring into this professional space.
‘Your body is amazing,’ he said, trailing his fingertips down her ribs to her waist then her hip, she curled when he caught her ticklish spot but that only brought her deeper into their spoon.
He had a deep rug laid out in the corner where the two glass walls met and there they lay naked, spooning. Ryder kissed her shoulder and kept on going to her neck.
‘You’re not self-conscious that we’re naked in front of the whole city?’ she asked, struggling to take in all of the features of the city before them.
‘You have nothing to be self-conscious about,’ Ryder mumbled against her. ‘But I’ll protect your modesty.’ Ryder’s hands moved around her and he covered her breasts with his palms.
She laughed again and his erection prodded her rear. ‘You’re such a gentleman.’
‘I’ll do my best by you.’
‘I know you will,’ Lacie said, rolling to her back.
‘These windows are one-way,’ Ryder said. ‘They reflect light back from the outside. No one can see us. I thought you’d enjoy the view.’
‘The view,’ she said, admiring his chest letting her hands test the texture of his hair. ‘I like the view of you. I like being in your arms.’
‘Where you belong,’ he said, touching his lips to hers. ‘Now about that surprise I’ve got for you, I hope it’s a positive—‘
Catching his arms, she didn’t let him pull away. ‘Before we get to that there’s something I should say.’
‘What’s that, Baby?’
‘We’re going to get married someday. We’ll have the wedding. We’ll buy a respectable family home, have a dozen kids, the responsible family car, the dog, the works. We’ll have parent-teacher nights and anniversaries, and we’ll go to bed arguing about whose turn it was to take the trash out. We’ll have boys you’ll teach how to pitch a baseball and girls you’ll never let date.’
‘Sounds good to me.’
Stroking his face, she wanted to make him understand. ‘My point is, my reluctance wasn’t uncertainty. I’m still dealing with what happened and getting back to who I was. And, I want you to myself for a while. I want us to make memories of our own together. This time we have with each other is precious and it’s what we’ll have to look back on in years’ time when we’re up to our knees in dirty diapers, arguing about how we’ll pay the gas bill. We should value this time we have together and I guess I’ve realised this week that… since I’ve had you, I’ve taken you for granted.’
Exhaling, he pulled her close. ‘If you’d just said that to me—‘
Explaining why she blanched when he brought up engagements, or changed the subject when he talked about them co-habiting, liberated her from her anxieties. ‘I don’t think I realised it myself until this week or put language to it at least,’ she said. ‘But we will both have to give each other time to work through our own issues. Your best friend did a horrible thing to you and you haven’t processed that. We have to help each other through this and not ignore what happened thinking it will go away.’
‘I’ll try,’ he said, kissing her. ‘Do you want to get an early dinner?’
Shirking the remnants of her profound revelations, she returned to her motivation for coming. ‘I actually had an excuse for coming here today.’
He was stroking her body and admiring its reaction to his attention. ‘You don’t need an excuse to see me.’
‘I know,’ she said.
‘What was it?’
‘It’s business,’ Lacie said. ‘Can we get dressed?’
‘We can talk shop naked,’ he said. ‘I’m a professional.’
‘You know about the exhibition at the gallery—‘
The shout came from outside the office. Ryder groaned and rolled to his back. ‘Give me one minute,’ Ryder said, kissing her forehead. Springing to his feet, he grabbed his jeans and hopped his way into them. Before he exited, he stopped at the door to look back at her naked form laid out on the rug. ‘Beautiful.’ He winked then slipped out of the office, closing the door at his back.
The sky was blue, only a whisper of a cloud drifted in it, and she could be happy living her life in this place forever. But her man wasn’t here. While she hadn’t picked out the identity of the shouter beyond the door, she’d missed the boys. Here they were in a new place and she hadn’t congratulated them on what they’d achieved. Picking Ryder’s shirt from the floor, she got to her feet and buttoned the shirt from the bottom up. She snagged her thong too and stepped into it while going for the door.
She expected one of the boys, maybe a few of them and when she opened the door and stepped out of Ryder’s office they were there. All of the men that she knew as Ryder’s colleagues… plus half a dozen others whom she didn’t recognise, along with the blonde receptionist.
The men she didn’t know checked her out, while the blonde visibly faltered at this out of place person who was partially dressed in their place of business. Lacie didn’t have a chance to seek out Ryder because the men she did know were moving in.
‘Hey,’ Rocco said, lifting her from her feet when he hugged her
. Many of them hugged her but it was Gabe who got to the heart of the matter.
‘We haven’t seen you at all this week. Are you ok?’ Gabe asked, scowling at her like a concerned father. ‘Have you had any trouble?’
‘I’m better now that we’re all back together again,’ she said, accepting his hug.
‘We’ve missed you,’ Ty said and Will chucked her chin. ‘Loving the threads. You should come downstairs like that.’
Her smile spread when the men parted and she saw her topless Ryder in the centre of the group of strange men who were all dressed in S.I.S. black gear.
‘You’ve expanded,’ Lacie said, through her motionless smile.
‘That’s what happens when you walk into the room, Baby,’ Ryder teased and the men began to jeer.
His stance was wide and his strong arms were folded over his broad chest. Those things screamed man-in-charge, who was all business. But those eyes ate her up, replaying every second of their shared time in his office.
‘You’re Ryder’s girl?’ one of the new men asked.
‘This is Lacie Hart,’ Ryder declared to everyone. ‘My number two, and your boss one day if she offs me.’
She drew in a breath, and their eyes locked. ‘The future Mrs. Stone,’ she said, flicking her brows up.
Any fear she had about losing herself in this man was nothing to the fear that she had of losing him. Saying the words, admitting the certainty of their future, as Ryder did, was freeing for her and the more she said these things aloud, the more she got used to the possibilities.
The corner of his mouth tipped up. ‘Future mother of my children.’
‘Did he finally put a ring on your finger? Are you guys for keeps now?’ Toby asked.
‘Always were,’ Gabe said. ‘I don’t think they need a ring to indicate that.’
Pinning Gabe in her sights, she stepped back to scrutinise him. ‘I’d have pegged you as the traditional type,’ she said to Gabe.
‘Should I…?’ Sonny stepped forward, he was always close but never touched her.
‘Should you what?’ Gabe asked him.
‘Collect Lacie’s things from her apartment?’ Sonny said.
‘We haven’t gotten to that yet,’ Ryder said. ‘We have shop to talk too, I haven’t forgotten.’
‘I just popped out to say hello,’ Lacie said. ‘I didn’t realise we had company.’ She included all their usual boys in the statement. ‘Can we do dinner tonight?’
Lacie touched Gabe then Will while looking at all of them. ‘Sure, Lace,’ Ty said. ‘Who’s paying?’
‘Ryder,’ Lacie said.
‘Then definitely,’ Ty said.
‘I’ve got business with my girl,’ Ryder said. A couple of the new guys sniggered. ‘Take another shot at the training drill.’
A few paled though they all still scrutinised her bare legs. ‘Guess that’s what you get for ogling the boss’s girl,’ Will said. ‘We all learned that lesson quick smart too.’
Ryder crossed to her and hooked his arm around her. ‘Lacie is this company’s first priority. Her safety will always be number one. It is the primary objective above all else, understood?’
Every male in the room took notice of the deep sincerity and gravity of Ryder’s words and each nodded. Lacie just wanted to blush and the blonde was dumbfounded, but no one said anything more. Ryder guided her back into his office and closed the door.
‘Where were we?’ Ryder asked.
‘I should get home and change but—‘
‘I live upstairs,’ he said. ‘We’ve got the three upper levels of the building, the three highest. The first is the training level where there’s boardrooms and facilities for the new guys you saw out there. This floor you’ve seen, it’s office space for me and the guys you know. Upstairs is residential space. I’ve always liked to be close to our resources in case of emergency. But we can live wherever you want.’
‘Upstairs is fine,’ she said. ‘But we have—‘
‘I’ve got a surprise for you upstairs,’ he said and began to guide her toward the exit again. ‘I hope that you—‘
‘I need security,’ she said.
Ryder snapped around to face her, his brows were drawn down in a snap of anger. ‘You’re in danger? You let me make love to you, and introduce you to the guys without thinking to tell me that—‘
‘No. Nothing’s happened,’ she said. ‘Monty told me that the exhibition will be busy and he said it might be an idea to—‘
‘We’ll staff the event; you know you don’t have to worry about that. S.I.S. will be there for anything and everything you need. I meant what I said out there about—‘
‘I know,’ she said, taking his hand. ‘You will come with me though, won’t you? I hate it when it’s busy and all the people, and—‘
‘I’ll be there,’ Ryder said, stroking her cheek. ‘I’ll always be at your side. I told you that I’d be supportive. I’ll rig the operation myself but on game night I’ll be right there holding your hand the whole way.’
‘I love you,’ she said.
Ryder kissed her. ‘That was your excuse for coming over here?’
‘Show me upstairs,’ she said not ready to burst the bubble of happiness around them. This was what she’d missed all week, being with the man she loved. ‘Show me my surprise… and where we sleep.’
‘Do you want me to send Sonny—’
‘Yes,’ she said.
He noted that she didn’t hesitate. His surprise and pride shone from his face to hers. ‘I love you,’ she said. ‘I don’t want to wait.’
‘You got it, Dusty.’
‘I’ll need somewhere to work locally. The gallery isn’t that far but—‘
‘I’ve got you covered,’ he said. ‘Come upstairs with me.’
When she did, he didn’t let her down. He never did. Ryder rushed them through the upper level to a set of spiral stairs off what she assumed was the master bedroom. He pulled her up the stairs without thought for her wish to see the rest of the place.
But it was worth it when they reached a hatch. Urging her ahead, Ryder hung back to let her enter the space first. Climbing up the stairs and through the hatch, Lacie arrived in a glass dome on the roof, which had a full three hundred and sixty degree view of the city.
‘There’s a button,’ Ryder said, sliding his hand around her waist while pressing his foot to a button on the floor. The windows shuttered to black out the view and light glowed up from the floor.
‘This place is incredible, how did—‘
‘It’s the reason I picked this space. The rest was whatever, but when I saw this room and—‘
‘It’s perfect,’ Lacie said. He gathered her against him as she leaned into that strong body and admired the space around them, her new studio. ‘You make me happy, Ryder.’
She turned in his arms and hooked her hand to the back of his neck. ‘And I’ll keep trying to do that for as long as you let me,’ he said. ‘I want you to consider this place your home. This is where you belong.’
‘Is that an order?’
Blowing her hair from her forehead, he leaned forward to kiss her. ‘Yes, it’s an order. You belong here at home with me.’
Breaking the intensity of the moment, she maintained their intimacy. ‘I’m looking forward to dinner with the guys tonight,’ Lacie said. ‘How about we go away soon? Can you get away?’
‘Where do you want to go?’ he asked, running his hands up and down her back. ‘I’ll take you anywhere in the world.’
‘How about our motel?’ she asked, kissing his jaw.
One of his brows arched, her request hadn’t impressed him. ‘You might want to think bigger. I just offered to take you anywhere in the world.’
‘You’re my world,’ she said. ‘What’s the point in spending big money when we won’t see anything outside? The point is to get away from all interruptions and signal our fresh start.’
‘If it’s our motel that you want, then it’s our motel you’ll ge
t,’ he said and kissed her. ‘Consider it done.’
Chapter Nine
Both of their schedules had been crazy since their stolen days away almost two weeks ago. But battling through life was easier with the knowledge they’d always come together at night—and they did come together every night.
Sorcha was preoccupied with her own life and hadn’t asked much about Ryder’s new business. Since Lacie had moved in to Ryder’s residence, Sorcha had phoned every single night to talk about Bruce, or rather the lack of him.
Sorcha hadn’t seen him in four days and out of sheer desperation she had begged Lacie to call Shep, which she had, but he hadn’t been focused on the task. Since Sorcha and Bruce’s loved up phase a couple of weeks ago, it seemed he’d been put off working the case. Though he did assure Lacie he would get back on it. During her phone conversations with Sorcha, Lacie had yet to work in the information that Shep was coming to her exhibition.
Somehow, Lacie had arrived at the gallery for opening night. With Monty working out the event details and Ryder protecting them, all Lacie had to worry about was the art and not falling on her face.
In a dark grey shirt with a black tie Ryder looked good enough to eat, or at least he had before she’d left him at home. She hadn’t seen him since they arrived at the back entrance of the gallery. Alone, Lacie paced in Monty’s office while Monty and his cronies spoke in the outer office. They were over schedule. The doors were supposed to be open already. The masses would be impatient. But there was no sign of her escort, Ryder.
Sorcha was on her way, but had never been on time to anything in her life, so Lacie had expected that. Her Aunt Elise had volunteered to come and offer moral support. But Lacie had insisted it wasn’t necessary. She wouldn’t have felt right about leaving her aunt alone at the function and Elise didn’t have many friends who would enjoy this kind of night.
Still pacing in the office, Lacie distracted herself with thoughts of what needed to be done. When this exhibition was over she’d have to make a decision about the commission Darwin wanted from her. Her mother wanted her to spend some time at home. Emails from her parents were becoming more frequent, but Lacie didn’t want to leave the country again until Wallace’s case had been heard and he was sentenced.